“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.” Isaiah 43: 18-19 (MSG)

Beloved, there is a junk drawer in every house somewhere. My junk drawer is in the kitchen. Everything that does not end up in a permanent regular resting place ends up in the drawer: string, pins, clips, menus, extension cords, greeting cards, change along with a little bit of this and that.

Every now and then, I get the urge to straighten it out. It gets too crowded with odds and ends so that when I really do need space to store something of value there is none. Some of the things represent people, places and things. They are memories not ready to be thrown or put away.

Our lives can be like that junk drawer. Stuff is stored up in us because we can’t quite find a place for it. Odds, ends, knick, knacks and stuff left over from experiences and events. They really need to be properly put away because they are taking up valuable space. There is no room for anything new. There is no room for anything of value.

Before this year got off to a real start, a reset button has been pushed for us. COVID-19 pushed the reset button. Working from home has pushed the reset button. Unrelenting challenges caused by disfunction, death, disease,

Use this moment in time to clean out the clutter. Make room for God to do something new. Prepare that mental junk drawer to be receptive to new things. Be alert and present today because God is about to do something new in your life. Can’t you see it?!

Don’t rush! Some cleaning and de-cluttering will take time. Create space in your day and tackle a few items at a time. You just may become the Declutter Queen of the year!

Let’s get started by discarding thoughts, attitudes, and habits that are no longer compatible with the life you want to live.
Tone down negative messaging from negative people and tune into messaging which is positive and up lifting.
Release the hurts caused by past discouragement, disappointment, or disagreement.

Bag the garbage up and put them in a place where the Lord can handle it. Do those things that help our hearts and minds to be receptive to a fresh start.Reach for those things that encourage, support and nourish my body, mind and spirit.
Stand boldly on the life-giving Word that tells us God shall do a new thing, bring water to parched places and cause the wilderness to bloom.

Reset! Remove! Recharge. Move forward!
In Jesus name, I pray, Amen

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