Selah Leadership Encounters for Women

Se­lah Lead­er­ship En­coun­ters for Women is a unique set of con­fer­ences de­signed to fos­ter strate­gic, col­lab­o­ra­tive re­la­tion­ships among pro­fes­sion­al women with a mix of in­ti­mate work­shops and en­gag­ing pre­sen­ters and pan­elists.

The Se­lah On­line Lead­er­ship Se­ries is an ex­pert-led digi­tal ex­pe­ri­ence de­signed for busy lead­ers to down­load em­pow­er­ing mes­sages that nour­ish the heart, mind and soul.

Dr. Vashti Mur­phy McKen­zie, a na­tion­al­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly renowned speak­er and a coach and con­sul­tant for lead­ers, risk tak­ers, change agents, and ex­ec­u­tives, is the Founder and CEO of the Se­lah group of in-per­son and vir­tu­al con­fer­ences focused on em­pow­er­ing women who want to lev­el up their growth and achieve­ment po­ten­tial.

Se­lah is an an­cient He­brew word that means “stop here be­fore mov­ing for­ward.” The Se­lah Lead­er­ship En­counter and the Se­lah On­line Lead­er­ship Se­ries are in­tend­ed to be snap­shot mo­ments for boss women and those who want to be — to pause, reflect, and reach be­yond their com­fort zones and re-cal­i­brate to el­e­vate their lives and the lives of oth­ers.

Se­lah el­e­vates the typ­i­cal con­fer­ence ex­pe­ri­ence by cre­at­ing a com­mu­ni­ty and a net­work of top pro­fes­sion­al women. The con­fer­ence also helps women press the pause but­ton dur­ing work and home lives that of­ten has them run­ning on fumes. It is a refuge of re­new­al and a launch pad to new ideas and op­por­tu­ni­ties.

Se­lah also sup­ports women lead­ers by cre­at­ing an on­go­ing net­work of friends and col­leagues who help and em­pow­er each oth­er by open­ing doors, pro­vid­ing resources, and of­fer­ing prac­ti­cal ad­vice.